Bed Bug Exterminator Lakewood

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    Bed Bug Exterminator Lakewood booking today with prices as low as $99 

    Call Now: 213-513-4193

    Make your location bug free by booking today with the local industry professionals!

    Free Inspection

    Our professionals will arrive to your home to evaluate your bug situation, and determine the proper solution, free of charge!

    Eco Friendly Safe to Use Products

    Our professionals will develop a green Eco friendly solution for your unique bugs problem. We won’t stop until the problem is solved!

    Bed Bug Exterminator Lakewood

    Lakewood is a city in Los Angeles. It is a vibrant community with friendly neighborhoods, parks, and schools. People enjoy living here because it is close to many attractions, like beaches and theme parks. The weather is usually sunny and warm, perfect for living. Lakewood has shopping centers, restaurants, and entertainment options for everyone to enjoy. The city is known for its diverse population, but like many other residential and vibrant areas, it is also suffering from bed bug problems. Bed bugs are a rising problem in Los Angeles that leaves no area safe. Exterminator near LA have noticed a rapid increase in complaints about bed bug infestations from various public sectors such as restaurants, hotels, schools, colleges, and hospitals. These places have constant human traffic, making it easy for bed bugs to spread throughout the city. Bed bugs can easily travel with humans by latching onto their clothes and bags. If you enter any infested place, you might unknowingly bring bed bugs to your home. Bed bugs are increasing very rapidly because they are challenging to eliminate and have a fast reproduction cycle. They are one of the most difficult pests to eliminate with traditional methods and often require the assistance of a professional bed bug exterminator in LA to be eradicated. Here are some reasons why bed bugs are considered the most difficult pests to eliminate:

    1. Resilience to Pesticides: Bed bugs have developed resistance to many common pesticides, including those used in traditional extermination methods. This resistance makes it difficult to eradicate them using chemical treatments alone, as the bugs may survive or develop immunity to the chemicals.

    2. Rapid Reproduction: Bed bugs reproduce quickly. A single female bed bug can lay hundreds of eggs in her lifetime, and those eggs hatch into nymphs that can mature into adults within a few weeks. This rapid reproduction rate makes it challenging to control infestations, as new bugs constantly emerge to replace those that have been eliminated.

    3. Hiding Places: Bed bugs are adept at finding hiding places in cracks and crevices near their host’s sleeping areas. They can hide in mattresses, bed frames, furniture, electrical outlets, and even behind wallpaper. Their small size and ability to flatten their bodies allow them to squeeze into tiny spaces, making it difficult to locate and treat all infested areas. By bed bug heat treatment in LA, you can target all hidden locations of bed bugs at once.

    4. Nocturnal Behavior: Bed bugs are primarily active at night when their hosts are sleeping. This nocturnal behavior makes it challenging to detect and treat infestations during the day when they are less active.

    5. Transportation: Bed bugs are easily transported from one location to another through infested items such as luggage, clothing, and furniture. This means that even if one successfully eliminates bed bugs from their home or property, they may inadvertently reintroduce them by bringing in infested items from elsewhere.

    Due to these factors bed bugs often require the assistance of a professional exterminator to eliminate. If bed bugs are also disturbing you with their itchy bites, take prompt action today. Their removal at an early stage is really necessary to avoid significant damage to both health and property.

    When were bed bugs found?

    Bed bugs have been around for a really long time, even since ancient times. They have been bothering humans for thousands of years. People have found evidence of bed bugs in old caves. These tiny bugs live close to humans because they like to feed on our blood while we sleep. Bed bugs became more common in the 20th century when people started traveling more and using secondhand furniture. They spread easily from one place to another through luggage, clothing, and furniture. Today, bed bugs are found all over the world, and they can be a big problem in homes, hotels, and other places where people sleep.

    Zip Codes We Service

    90397, 90398, 91011, 91012, 91214, 91224, 90637, 90638, 90639, 91744, 91746, 91747, 91749, 91750, 93532, 90711, 90712, 90713, 90714, 90715, 93534, 93535, 93536, 93539, 93584, 93586, 90260, 90261, 93243, 93543, 93544, 90717, 90801, 90802, 90803, 90804, 90805, 90806, 90807, 90808, 90809, 90810, 90813, 90814, 90815

    Near By Areas We Serve

    Bellflower, Paramount, Artesia, Signal Hill, Cerritos, Norwalk, Los Alamitos, La Palma, Rossmoor, Compton, Downey, Cypress, Long Beach, Lynwood


    Eco-Friendly, Effective & Affordable Pest Protection.

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